This has been the year of turning 40 for me & a bunch of my friends. It was dreadful to know we would be reaching that top of the hill, but let me tell you its been a blast celebrating! My best friend decided to do it up in her favorite island, Puerto Rico. The best part of it was that I was going without hubby or son. A girls weekend!! Can I get a hell yea!!
This has been about my 6th time going to Puerto Rico, and I have to say I don't get tired of it. Its such a beautiful island rich in culture. Even though I live in El Barrio and have been surrounded by Puerto Ricans all my life, nothing beats going to the island.
I love the beaches, food and the peacefulness of it. This time we went to Vieques as well and stayed at the fabulous
W Retreat & Spa. It was such a paradise. The hotel was exquisite and the staff amazing. We really felt like we were in a different world. We laid out in the pools facing the ocean. It was just breath taking.
Sunset in Vieques
View of the pool at W hotel
Lobby of W Hotel
on the ferry from Vieques to Farjardo
Puerto Rico has such rich culture. The food is so full of flavor & rather inexpensive if you venture to the local spots. We even had breakfast at a local favorite, Kasalta's bakery which President Obama ate at a few years ago! If you're looking for a family vacation or even a girl's weekend, try Puerto Rico. As they say, Puerto Rico does it better!
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