My husband & son are daily swishers using mouthwash, so it was definitely a challenge for me to add that into my daily routine. I'm not a big fan of strong mint flavor in my mouth. I just don't like the heat but I have to say that using the Listerine Ultraclean Fresh Citrus flavor really changed my mind. I could feel my mouth tingling and it really had a fresher, cleaner taste afterwards. My son loved his Phineas & Ferb Smart Rinse Anticavity mouthwash. I think having one of his favorite cartoon characters on the bottle helped as well. He loves the bubble blast flavor. Since he doesn't chew gum, it gave him the illusion that he did. It even smells like bubble gum!
I am a bit compulsive when it comes to flossing. I keep it in my desk at work and carry it in my bag at all times. I hate having food stuck between my teeth so I am constantly looking at them after I eat. I loved the Reach Access Flosser. It made it easy to get into my molars for those times when floss wasn't feasible. My husband has been more conscious about using it as well. My son is only 6 so he generally doesn't use floss unless he gets something in his teeth that he can't remove with his tongue. But I definitely foresee them using it as much as I do in the future!
Overall this has been a great experience for my family. We all see a change in our oral health since using these products. We have become diligent in maintaining these processes everyday now. I believe in having Andre start now will lead him to have great teeth & breath in the future. Everyone loves fresh smelling breath!
Why not sign up for the challenge? To get more information on the Listerine 21 Day Challenge check out their Facebook page at
To help you get started, one winner will be selected to win a $100 Walmart gift card & various Listerine products. What better way to kick off to a better oral health care?
Disclosure: I received products from Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. and The Motherhood as part of my participation in the LISTERINE® 21 Day Challenge. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are my own.
Find out more about the
Listerine 21 Day Challenge to establish better oral care on the
LISTERINE Facebook page,
Disclosure: “I received products from Johnson & Johnson Healthcare
Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. and The Motherhood as part of my
participation in the LISTERINE® 21 Day Challenge. All thoughts and
opinions expressed in this post are my own.”
a Rafflecopter giveaway
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 227 Newer› Newest»My routine is good - 2 min brushing 2x daily, maybe flossing, rinse with peroxide.
My routine is pretty good. Brush 2x a daily, maybe more. I do need to floss more though.
Its pretty good but could be improved
kport207 at gmail dot com
Getting better, brushing longer and flossing everyday.
Good brush in the morning, after each meal and before bed.
Mine is very good. I brush 2-3 times daily, floss almost everyday and use mouthwash at least twice daily.
Thanks so much.
2 times a day brushing :) ~Sweep
is good
Very good. Brush twice a day and floss.
I brush morning and night and also floss at night.
jodysis at windstream dot net
I keep my teeth healthy by brushing at least twice daily, floss every night and rinse with mouthwash.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I brush 3 times a day and floss most days of the week. I do forget at times!!
good, three times per day
Brush morning and night. I also use mouthwash.
I think my routine is going well. I wish my kids would floss more, though.
Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy
good. i brush & floss twice a day
Not as good as it should be. I hate flossing.
mine could be better. I brush several times a day, but I often forget to floss
not bad. brush & floss daily
brush and floss.
I am sure I could do better but twice a day brushing is standard
apoalillo {AT} hotmail dot com
alyce poalillo
I brush and use mouthwash daily
good I brush and floss 2x daily
It could be better, but I do brush twice a day.
Mine could be better. I really need to get into the habit of a good mouth wash and would love to try the listerine!
brushing, rinsing with mouth wash
brush & rinse.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
signed up
slehan at juno dot com
Very good! I brush 2x a day, floss, and use mouthwash at night!
it is not the greatest
It is pretty good. I brush, floss and use Listerine although I should floss more regularly.
I need to brush more often before bed.
Mine is very good. I'm kind of obsessive about it.
I brush and floss twice a day.
I'm doing the best I can.
Pretty good - brush twice and floss once.
I brush twice a day and go for my annual check ups
I brush my teeth
Brush, floss, waterpik.
Brush and rinse 3X per day, floss once per day!
skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
Brush at least twice a day, mouthwash after each brush and floss nightly
I try and brush at least 2-3 times a day.
brush 2 - 3 times per day, floss
I could be a bit more diligent, but no cavities in years
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
Brush, Rinse With Mouthwash And Floss 2-3 Times Daily
Signed Up For The Listerine 21 Day Challenge !
It is pretty good. Brush 2-3 times a day, rinse with mouthwash, and try to floss most days
We brush at least 2 to 3 times daily and always floss before bed
I signed up for the challenge
I brush a few times daily
I floss and brush my teeth every morning and rinse my mouth while in the shower. Then I brush my teeth every night at dinner
I brush everyday several times flossing not so much
Probably could use work.
I brush in the am and then before bed. I rinse throughout the day
christal c willdebbie
Brush morning and night and floss daily
It's terrible! And not as "daily" as it should be :)
we brush and floss twice a day!
brush and floss each day
I have GREAT oral hygiene!
I brush twice a day
My routine is pretty good. I brush morning and night and use Listerine after brushing.
It's good enough to keep my dentist happy. I'm sure that Listerine is a big part of that.
I brush several times a day so it is perfect
Regular brushing - could floss more.
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com
Signed up for the challenge - Barbara Montag
I recently started flossing regularly. My dentist says I'm doing fine, otherwise.
It's pretty good but I could always improve.
I brush, floos and rinse. Then I try to brush 2 more times a day if I have the chance. SOmetimes lunchtime is hard but I brush before bed.
brush and floss every day.
I brush most days 2-3 times a day and floss daily.
floss, brush, mouthwash
good - brush, floss, rinse and for the kids too!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
the grandkids and I do it together for each meal
I need to get better at flossing!
I have a good oral health routine. I do sometimes slack on flossing at night though.
scarter305 at aol dot com
I brush several times a day and floss occasionally
Not so good I forgot a lot.
rierie11booger (@)
i'm good about brushing but i should be better about flossing
sarah hirsch
I always brush everyday but I do forget to floss. So my routine could be better.
brandy graham (name on rafflecopter)
I brush at least 2x daily and use mouthwash
i brush and floss!
It's good. I do what I'm suppose to. I just wish my girls would brush twice daily. They brush at night but won't brush in the mornings. thanks for the giveaway!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
I brush twice a day.
brush twice a day with an ultrasonic brush
Thanks! Janna JOhnson janna@feedyourpig on gfc
I brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash.
Brush twice a day, mouthwash at night.
I brush and floss twice a day.
Thanks for the chance.
I brush daily but don't floss as often as I should
Brush twice and day and floss!
OCD! I brush 2-3 times a day and floss!
brush twice a day.
Great! I brush 2xs a day and floss and rinse!
I signed up for the challenge
Brush 2x a day.
I brush 2x a day.
I brush twice a day but I could be better at flossing.
I brush twice a day, but I would like to brush after every meal.
Brittney House
it is good i floss and use mouthwash and brush
I brush my teeth at least twice a day and sometimes more!
we do really good. brush and floss everyday.
brush twice a day
brush and listerine in the AM, brush at night...and floss when I remember :-/
signed up for the 21 day challenge also
brush twice a day!
brush and floss everyday
It's pretty good. I get annual cleanings and brush and floss daily.
Brush after every meal... floss twice a day... and swish the Listerine around every night :-) Thank you!!
i brush often because I'm a smoker no one wants to smell smoke breath
Brush and use mouthwash in the evenings
one a day brushing with some flossing.
it's an easy 1 2 3 ...mouthwash,floss and brush 3X daily.
brush twice a day, but i should def be flossing more!
Brush 3x daily and use mouth rinse daily
Followed on pinterest
Followed via email jeffltaylor2 at
I brush /floss 3 times a day and i always carry a travel size toothbrush/toothpaste in my purse.
I follow on pinterest .
Here is my URL
I have subscribed with email Cupcakebabe416 at
Not as good as it should be.
Following on Pinterest.
Needs a lot of work. I never floss and brush about every other day.
I try to brush, floss, and rinse at morning and night and use mouthwash at various points in the day if I'm home.
Geoff K
gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com
i try to brush every time i eat, at least 3 times a day, and need to floss more!
Brush often and laugh more often
Good, I think...thorough but gentle brushing, floss, sometimes a rinse of diluted hydrogen peroxide
brushing and flossing
I brush two times a day and floss at least once a day.
Brush twice per day! I also visit the dentist regularly.
It could be improved.
Brush twice/day! In the morning and before i go to sleep!:)
The best I can with four kids.
I brush and floss 2x daily
Brush 3x a day && mouthwash !
Need to work on my flossing a bit more hehe
Mommyofone Shanna
I brush and use a waterpik.
susan chester
I brush twice a day.
I brush 1-2 times a day
Brush twice daily, floss daily, fluoride rinse in morning and Breth-x mouthwash at night
helyn4 at yahoo dot com
I brush and floss twice a day, and I use my waterpick with 1/2 water and 1/2 mouthwash to get even more clean.
I brush twice a day and floss as needed.
I could definitely improve on remembering to floss.
I brush 2x daily but need to floss more
brush and floss
brush in floss in the morning and before bed.
Brush in morning.
I brush and floss twice a day
I floss in the morning and night, and brush 3 times a day! i also use mouthwash in the mornings!
could always use improvement
Its pretty good
I brush and gargle with mouthwash!
I signed up for the challange!
I signed up for newsletter!
I followed on pinterest
Mine is horrible, I brush more than twice a day, but can be quite negligent with the flossing. It comes in spurts, I will do it faithfully for weeks & then quit for weeks.
I could do better with my daily oral health. I need to floss more at night and during the day.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I signed up for the Listerine 21 day challenge.
I subscribed to your newsletter at
I followed Boyz Rule Our World on Pinterest at
Brush, floss and mouthwash 2X daily. Brushing throughout the day as needed. Same 3 things in the evening plus individual bristled toothbrushes - fancy toothpick.
brush teeth in morning
brush floss and rinse 2x daily
I have signed up the the challenge.
i brush twice a day and floss a few times a week.
dani marie ferriza2(at)yahoo(dot)com
We brush 2-3 times a day, floss at night, and use mouthwash.
Desiree Dunbar
good. brush twice daily and floss at night!
Brush, floss every day. Mouth wash when needed.
dolniaks at consolidated dot net
Mine is ok brush twice a day and mouthwash
I brush three times a day and floss twice!
Good Brush morning, night and try to floss as much as possible
brush after ever meal and floss every night - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I brush and floss twice a day.
Brush and rinse twice a day
It could use some work. I usually don't brush in the morning because I'm drinking coffee from the moment I wake up until lunch!
wake up brush in the morning, brush in midafternoon, brush after shower, brush before bed and gargle with listerine
Honestly I need to be more diligent with my habits.My kids brush at least twice daily but I only do one time a day most days.
I signed up for the 21 day challenge.
I could be doing it more than once a day.
It is adequate but I could improve it.
I brush 2x a day :)
-Ashley Marie Morrissey
I brush in the morning and gargle and brush at night
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Pretty good I brush 2 times daily!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
trying to have kids brush is like pulling teeth!!
Brush twice daily & that's it!
brush twice a day and mouthwash
Brush floss and use mouthwash daily.
I wear dentures, I still brush at least twice a day to keep my mouth and gums healthy!
I try to brush 2x a day but many times it ends up only being once. I started flossing daily recently.
My routine is to brush twice daily, floss after each brushing and then gargle mouthwash.
brush 2 times a day.. rinse and floss
2x a day with mouthwash
I brush 2x or more and I floss
i brush twice a day and floss once a day
I brush, floss and use Listerine at twice daily
I signed up for the challenge!
I try to do my best...brush, floss, use mouthwash and see my dentist regularly.
Brush, floss, Listerine
Brush in the am & brush & floss at night.
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